Greencities & S-Moving 2024: a renewed call for the most comprehensive vision of smart cities and future mobility
Greencities & S-Moving will host its forthcoming edition on September 24th and 25th at FYCMA (Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga). Offering an immersive 360º experience in Smart Cities and Sustainable Mobility, this year’s edition enhances urban development and intelligent transportation analysis

Malaga, February 20th, 2024.- Greencities & S-Moving, Urban Intelligence and Smart Mobility, announces the definitive days for its 2024 edition, which will take place on September 24th and 25th at FYCMA (Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga). The event, established as the most important gathering for Spanish cities and territories, will feature a program marked by the renewal of its venues and content, aligned with the challenges and opportunities shaping the global urban agenda.
Thus, the forum will reconnect public and private actors around a top-quality proposal that will include, among other areas, an improved exhibition area where the territories will be able to showcase their challenges in search of solutions. To do so, it will drive a more technological setting to offer its most sustainable and innovative vision and showcase real examples of the future of territories. This space will be a focal point at the event as it will serve as an open showcase, with innovative projects seen on-site, and as a meeting hub with technological providers.
Another significant innovation lies in the updated focus of the networking area, designed to convene public administration technicians in search of citizen-centric smart urban solutions.
Global Urban Agenda
Greencities & S-Moving will develop a full programme of content seeking to offer innovative solutions to the major challenges of the current global urban agenda in terms of circular economy, decarbonisation, water scarcity or the double green and digital transition, and others. It will also delve into the relationship between city and nature, discussing issues related to smart territories and their relationship with concepts such as smart environment and smart green.
The forum will bring together experts and representatives from different countries to share, analyse and showcase the main trends in the application of innovation in urban management and mobility at a global level, with sustainability being the cross-cutting theme of the programme. At the same time, city councillors from all over the country will be able to share the challenges of public administration, with the possibility of creating disruptive smart city projects and more sustainable initiatives.
The forum boasts the participation and endorsement of major city networks, including Innpulso and RECI (Spanish Network of Smart Cities), which enhance the municipal presence and positioning it as the premier national gathering for cities and their representative.
Greencities & S-Moving is organized by FYCMA (Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga, part of Malaga City Hall, and AMETIC.
Cabe destacar que el foro cuenta con la implicación y respaldo de las principales redes de ciudades, Innpulso y RECI (Red Española de Ciudades Inteligentes), que potencian la presencia municipal y lo convierten en el principal encuentro a nivel nacional para las ciudades y sus representantes.
Greencities & S-Moving está coorganizado por FYCMA (Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga), del Ayuntamiento de Málaga, y AMETIC.