Location in exhibition area: Stand D7
Valencia will be the guest city at Greencities & S-Moving 2024. In this way, the Valencian smart ecosystem will be presented as a benchmark in the field of smart urban management, participating in the different areas of the event with the aim of showing the path the city has taken to become a smart city.
The city’s firm commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is evident in its sustainable transport programme, which is part of the European Green Capital initiative. This programme not only promotes greener and more efficient mobility practices, but also reflects a deep commitment to improving the quality of life of its citizens. The city has implemented a number of innovative measures aimed not only at reducing its carbon footprint, but also at promoting a healthier and more accessible urban environment for all its residents. These efforts demonstrate an ongoing commitment to sustainability and to creating a fairer and greener future.
All of this is being done through València Innovation Capital, the city council’s strategy to foster a dynamic, diverse and creative city. Technology is the how and people are the why. València Innovation Capital is committed to solving the city’s real problems with innovations that are local, effective and have a direct impact on people’s lives.
The city will present its success stories, examples of public-private collaboration, challenges and difficulties faced, funding opportunities, collaborations and actors involved.
Participation in the forums
24 septiembre | 13:30-14:15h.
Mayors’ debate panel
24 septiembre | 17:50-18:35h.
Strategies and technologies for aquatic ecosystem regeneration: case studies and lessons learned
25 septiembre | 10:20-11:05h.
Cities as Urban Laboratories
Urban laboratories are defined as platforms that help municipalities and provincial governments to find innovative solutions to the different problems and challenges that take place in cities. In this panel we will learn about the experience of different municipalities (practical examples, success stories…).
25 septiembre | 10:35-11:35h.
Elevator pitch: Smart City Awards
Greencities & S-Moving 2024 has announced the first edition of this initiative, which highlights and gives visibility to projects and initiatives developed by local councils and councils of national municipalities in the field of Smart Cities, as well as their contribution to improving the quality of life of their citizens.
25 septiembre | 12:00-12:45h.
Modernization of public services for citizens
Municipalities remain challenged by the modernisation of public administration and associated services, with the purpose of being useful and easily accessible to the citizen. National and international representatives will share their achievements and next steps in this panel.