What is the Urban Leaders Meeting?

Greencities & S-Moving 2022 has hosted the second Urban Leaders Meeting under the thematic “The Urban Agenda as an element of application of the SDGs in our cities”.

This event has been focus on the importance of sustainable and solid urban planning, where planning tools such as those offered by the Urban Agenda provide mechanisms to rethink our city model, focusing on the achievement of the SDGs from the urban area.

There has also been a review and sharing of the different strategies, instruments and initiatives that have been being developed and boosting to promote innovation in the urban environment.

The meeting has been addressed to mayors of provinces capitals and municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants and municipalities belonging to the Network of Cities of Science and Innovation (Innpulso Network) and/or the Spanish Network of Smart Cities (RECI).

What is the Meeting of City Technicians?

Greencities & S-Moving 2022 has hosted the first Meeting of City Technicians under the thematic: “Management and operation of the Local Urban Agenda: challenges”.

This meeting of City Technicians has aimed to bring to the table the challenges that municipalities face from a technical and operational perspective in the management of Local Urban Agendas. It has also focused on the advantages and benefits of developing and implementing this strategic instrument in our cities.

Other cross-cutting objectives have been addressed, such as:

  • The facilitation of mutual learning of the municipalities involved in the Urban Agenda.
  • The creation and promotion of relationships between people from different municipalities.
  • To make known the difficulties encountered in the process, as well as the results achieved
  • Reinforcing the benefits of addressing Local Urban Agendas as a strategic planning tool for municipalities.